Saturday, September 29, 2012

Could be Months.....

So, yesterday I said I had something I wanted to blog about but I'd wait.  Well, I guess the wait is over.  While reading some other Wife Led Marriage and male chastity blogs we came across an interesting idea.  Well at least my Queen found it interesting.  I don't remember which blog it was and if I find it again, I'll post a link to the post, but it was about weight loss.

Both my Queen and I would like to lose a few pounds.  She has decided to use my chastity to motivate us.  This new twist to the chastity adventure will start Monday, Oct 1st.  The bank of chaste days will be the entire month of October so out of the gate, I am not going to be allowed to orgasm for the entire month, but that could actually turn out to be longer, or even possibly shorter.

The way it's going to work is for each pound each week She loses, will equate to another day added to the 31 in the bank.  So if the first week she loses three pounds, I'm looking at 34 days before I'm allowed to orgasm.  If She doesn't lose weight that week, then a single day is subtracted from the bank, so that first week could shrink the bank to 30 days for example.  I have a bad feeling that I'm about to be in serious trouble here!

Now, as for my own weight loss, if I lose weight each week, then I'll be rewarded somehow, (but not allowed to orgasm).  The reward might be a "scene" for example.  If I don't lose weight for the week I will be punished somehow for example a severe spanking.

With that said, I've got to say, my stomach is a bit in knots at the thought of what might be coming my way.  On the bright side, we both are trying to stay healthier and that can only benefit us both so regardless of how long I might have to remain chaste, the results will be worth it.

One other thing worth note, my Queen is off work tomorrow and while meeting Her for lunch today, she ominously glanced at me and said She has plans for me tomorrow.  Don't know if I should be excite, scared, or both.  Oh boy.


  1. I vote, "Both." Enjoy!

    1. Sorry, all sorts of old stuff is coming up in my reader. Just noticed the date . . .
